BMW 4 Series – Take a closer look at this beauty today! - BMW got a lot of attention once again when they announced the new 4 series BMW model. The new 4 series BMW definitely is worth that attention, because it simply is a great new car.
This time BMW has some more sweet news about this 4 series BMW, and with this news they’ve added extra very nice bonus. They’ve released new information about how much it’s going to cost in different countries and some more interesting information. Besides this, they gave a bonus by releasing a bunch of new photos of the new BMW 4 series.
Below we are going to show some of the best latest photos of this 4 series beauty, and at the same time we want to announce some of the latest information about the BMW 4 series.
The new BMW 4 series wheelbase is longer by 50 mm than the 3 series coupe E92. It is also 26 mm longer but 16 mm smaller in height. The price for a base model is also higher by around 4,000 USD ($) than a base 3 series F30 BMW sedan model. In Great Britain, these new BMW 4 series will cost around 28,000 GBP (£) or around 44,000 USD ($). It should be available for sale this September or at least till the beginning of October.
However, the new BMW 4 series isn’t that great looking as it was in 2013 North American International Auto Show. In that show, the concept model was introduced to the public, and it looks slightly better than a base BMW 4 series model. But still, the base model looks pretty good from the inside and from the outside as well.
The new 4 series currently is one of the hottest products from BMW. It has a modern and very nice exterior. It is packed with the latest advanced technology. The interior looks really good, and it is comfortable at the same time. Can we say that it is really that great? No, we actually can’t say exactly how great this new model is, because we haven’t had a chance to drive it yet. From all papers and numbers everything looks really solid and promising a lot. The new model is definitely a very sporty looking car as well.
Even if we haven’t had a chance to drive it yet, but somehow the new model definitely promises a lot of great new things, and we are almost 100% sure that most of the BMW customers can’t be disappointed about it.