JYP unveils new boy group name '5Live'

Article: JYP unveils new boy group 5Live "The same trainees who guested on the WIN show"

Source: Newsen via nate

1. [+337, -34] Should take care of the kids they already have... 2pm 2am..

2. [+304, -11] How about they do something for JJ Project?..

3. [+246, -10] That's great and all but they should also focus on the groups they already do have... JJ Project seemed pretty decent

4. [+23, -3] Not fond of the team name

5. [+22, -1] They're talented kids but JYP recently seems to be pumping kids out without supporting them properly... They all look like they're on their own.


Source: Naver

1. [+2,303, -62] Their team name is Duck Stomach? TN: 5Li (oh ri) = duck, ve (bae) = stomach)

2. [+1,713, -84] Should worry about helping 2PM and 2AM ㅜㅜ

3. [+1,406, -96] Park Jin Young's lost his touch with his music lately... We're not getting songs like Tell Me, So Hot, and Nobody anymore...

4. [+332, -15] What about Park Jimin? Did JYP eat up her prize money? She only got two singles and a CF ㅜㅜ Where's her album

5. [+328, -11] Did they give up on JJ Project?

6. [+290, -8] JYP idols all follow the same pattern. They hit mega success upon debut, rack up popularity, then start wasting time overseas with advancements only to return to Korea years later not even worth half of what they used to be.

7. [+253, -8] JYP really loves numbers ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ 2am, 2pm, 15&, 5live
