Ministry of Urban Development
Central Public Works Department
Date 11 Nov 2013
Subject: Implementation of Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) to the cadre of Junior Engineers of CPWD.
Reference is invited to this Directorate OM of even No. 1576 dated 9.11.2010, vide which the implementation of the MACPS to the cadre of the Junior Engineers /Assistant Engineers / Adhoc Executive Engineers was kept on hold.
Subsequently, vide this Directorate OM of even No. 301 dated 25,3.2011, orders for keeping hold the implementation of the MACPS to the cadre of the Junior Engineers /Assistant Engineers / Adhoc Executive Engineers was revoked. However, the MACPS to the cadre of Junior Engineers was again kept on hold vide OM of even No. 320 dt 31.3.2011
It has now been decided to revoke above referred orders dated 31.3 2011 of keeping hold the MACPS for Junior Engineers. MACPS notified vide DoPT ref. No. 35034/3/2008-Estt(D) dated 19.5.2009 shall be implemented for this cadre.
This issues with the approval of Director General, CPWD