Blogspot is largest free blogging platform which is provid you many feature like CMS (content management system).. you can customize any part of your blog in you need to Edit templete in HTML or CSS.
there is a option for edit HTML .
By this option you can Customize
2. Popular post
3.add notification bar
4. header
5. bannar
6. page number
7. labels
8. download option
9. social sharing menu
10. even whole templete
if you customize or Edit any option you need to find specific code in templete. but new version of blogger templete edit option the search option is disable. but we do it in different way.
Search code in blogger templete
1. Go to your blog
2. Go templete>> Edit HTML
3. COPY whole templete and paste it notepad, (notepad is a word editing tool automatically installed in windos)
4. now see blew picture
5. click in search on top bar and click in find.( Ctrl+F)
6. Type desire code in search box which you search for editing
7. now click in find text
8. now you see it with column above picture.
9. now find this number in editing option in blogger.
you can get is easily.
so now you can edit your templete quickly.
there is a option for edit HTML .
By this option you can Customize
2. Popular post
3.add notification bar
4. header
5. bannar
6. page number
7. labels
8. download option
9. social sharing menu
10. even whole templete
if you customize or Edit any option you need to find specific code in templete. but new version of blogger templete edit option the search option is disable. but we do it in different way.
Search code in blogger templete
1. Go to your blog
2. Go templete>> Edit HTML
3. COPY whole templete and paste it notepad, (notepad is a word editing tool automatically installed in windos)
4. now see blew picture
5. click in search on top bar and click in find.( Ctrl+F)
6. Type desire code in search box which you search for editing
7. now click in find text
8. now you see it with column above picture.
9. now find this number in editing option in blogger.
you can get is easily.
so now you can edit your templete quickly.