Economics of Pakistan 2nd IUB Bahawalpur

                  Economics of Pakistan 2nd Important Questions IUB Bahawalpur

1.  Distinguish between economic growth and economic development.Will you measure
economic development ?
2.  Define under developed economy.Exlpain characteristics of under developed countries ?
3.  Describe economic political,social and administrative obstacles to economic development of


1.  Dicuss the factors/Determinants or economic development ?
2.  What is capital Formation.Explain its important,sources and measures to increase capital
Formation ?
3.  What is Foreign (international) economic Assistance/Aid/Loan/Debt.Explain its role in the
economy of under developed countries ?
4.  Wirte Notes on Following  :     Vicious Circle of poverty / Deficit Financing/A.D,B.P/I.D.B.P/Co-operative farming


1.  Dicuss the role of industrial Sector in economic development ?
2.  Throw light on the problems of industrial Sector and suggest measure to remove these
problems ?
3.  What do you mean by privatization.What Step Govt. Of Pakistan has taken in the promotion
of privatization ?
4.  What do you mean by Cottage and small scale industry.Discuss its in Economic development
5.  Dicuss the problems of Small Scale industry and suggest measures to remove these problems


1.  Make a difference between Balance of Trade and Balance of Payment.What are the causes of
Deficit in Balance of payment and suggest measure of remove the Deficit ?
2.  What are features of Pakistan Foreign trade and explain its role in economic development?
3.  What are the main means of Transport and Communication. Dicuss their role in economic
development of under development countries ?
4.  What are main Exports and Imports of Pakistan ? What steps has taken for the promotion of
Exports by Govt. Of Pakistan ?


1.  Explain the role of Agriculture Sector in the economy with reference of Pakistan ?
2.  Discuss the problem of Agriculture Sector in Pakistan and suggest measure to remove
these problems ?
3.  What is farm/Agriculture Mechanization .Disuss the impact of Farm Mechanization in the
economy of Pakistan ?
4.  What is difference between Agricultrue Finance and rural credit ? Explain sources and
problems of rural credit.What measure have been adopted to solve these probles ?
5.  What is Agriculture Marketing ?. Discuss its problems and suggest emedy ?


1.  What are the main mineral resoures in Pakistan ?.Discuss the role of mineral
resourecs in economic development of under developed countries ?
2.  Discuss the role of Power Resoures in economic development ?
3.  Discuss the role of Human resoures in the development of economy ?
4.  Forests play an important role in economic development.Discuss ?

  (Govt.GCC Bahawalpur )