Modified Flexible Complementing Scheme - regarding qualifications for Scientists.

No. AB.14017/44/2011-Estt. (RR)

Government of India

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions

Department of Personnel and Training

Dated the 5th September, 2013 


Subject: Modified Flexible Complementing Scheme - regarding qualifications for Scientists.

Reference is invited to the instructions on Modified Flexible Complementing Scheme for Scientists issued in this Department OM No. AB.14017/37/2008-Estt. (RR) dated 10th September, 2010 based on the recommendations of the 6th CPC. The guidelines prescribe the qualifications for Scientists as under:-

Scientists & Engineers

Persons who possess academic qualification of atleast Master's Degree in Natural/Agricultural Sciences or Bachelors Degree in Engineering/Technology/Medicine and hold scientific posts defined in the guidelines.

2. References have been received in this Department seeking clarifications as to whether M.Sc. (Electronics) and M.Sc. (Applied Electronics) falls within the applicable qualifications of Modified FCS. The issue has been examined by this Department in consultation with Department of Science & Technology. It has been decided to include degrees of M.Sc. (Electronics) and M.Sc. (Applied Electronics) as subjects under Engineering equivalent to Bachelor's Degree in Engineering.

3, The Hindi version will follow.


(Mukta Goel)

Director (E-I)