Auto dent repair is the process of removing vehicle dents, which occur due to collisions. It can be done on all vehicles such as vans, trailer trucks, sport utility vehicles (SUV), and compact cars. The time taken for the whole process depends on the size and location of dents and the technician's skill level. It also depends on the extent of damage.
Generally, there are two types of auto dent repair. They are paint restoration repair and paintless dent repair. Paint restoration is suited for large dents and the technique involves various processes such as pulling or pounding out dents, grinding, chiseling, and sanding. Mechanics make use of common tools like pullers, dent hammers, drills, fender picks, and rivets depending on the nature of work.
If the dent is too large or cannot be repaired, the whole panel or section of vehicle is removed. In such cases, pulling or pounding out is done before the panel or section is removed, and the new portion is attached by welding. Once the above process is over, the repaired area is primed for further painting.
Paint less auto dent repair is commonly used for smaller or minor dents. Here, dents are removed with the help of specialized tools by starting from outer edges, the paint or the original factory finish of the dent portion remains as such and the cost involved in painting is reduced.
You can repair the dent on your vehicle at any of the repair shops in your area. Reputable repair shops offer guaranteed quality workmanship at reasonable prices. Some even give back your car on the same day.