A day in the life of an Interior Designer

I recently documented a day in my life for the tryingtobalancethemadness.com blog. Here's how a typical day goes for me....

Early start 5:30am
Typically a bright and early start at 5.30am , I check my emails and Twitter, pop my gym kit on grab some porridge and I am on my way to the gym for a 6.30am start
Lisa Melvin at Virgin Active gym in RugbyLisa Melvin training at the gym
 The type and length of training I do in the mornings depends on what I am currently training for. The Triathlon season has finished right now for me, so I am working on short intensive intervals and weight training usually 45mins – 60min
Meeting with my PA at Lisa Melvin Design offices
In the office for 7.50am I start the day with Katy my PA, who gives me an overview of what’s coming up for the day ahead. I take time too read through any publications that have landed on my desk the day before.
In a meeting with my editorial assistant and designer
9.00am I have a meeting with Kerry my Editorial Assistant and Designer we have a really exciting project we have been working on over the past twelve months ‘The Designer Knowledge’ aimed at professionals in the architectural and interior industry its now very close to be ready to launch. Our second edition of Revealed Design-Home-Interiors for 2014 is well under way too.
In a consultation with my client who is a property developer
10.30am Client Mrs Blee a property developer arrives for a consultation to work on  her latest project- Three New Build Eco Properties  in Rugby, I provide a full project management service from kitchen and bathrooms to doors , joinery staircases and floor finishing’s
Giving a talk about interior design to students at Midland Studio CollegeUntitled8
2.00pm I travel over to the brand new Midland Studio College in Nuneaton to give a talk to students on Business and Enterprise this particular Studio College has just opened. Head Teacher Mr Rosser gave me a tour of the building prior to talking to the young learners, I was incredibly impressed with the facilities.
Office dog Ted
4.00pm Back in the office, to commence work on a kitchen design for a client, I was greeted by Teddy our office dog
Open water swimming in my local lake
7.00pm Leave work just in time for a quick dip  in our local lake and watch the sunset
Arrive home
8.30pm Arrive home , make the dinner , put some washing on and prepare for the next day.
Make a healthy dinner Working from home on a clients kitchen design
9.30pm Login to work and continue with the kitchen design from earlier , pop into a bloggers chat on twitter too and catch up on facebook and instagram
Lights out at 10:30
10.30pm Lights Out – Time too sleep