There are several ways by which you can totally improve your blog to load it faster 5x than usual loading time, you should follow the steps which I'm going to explain in this tutorial.
Before You Optimize ! Run Pingdom !
Optimization Tips :
How to Optimize / Improve your Blog ?
First of all backup your blogger template, after taking a backup now go to Blogger > Dashboard > layout. Find the unwanted gadgets which are not necessary for your blog like gadgets which shows "date/time, pageviews, polls, blog comments, blog archive" there are many gadgets which you would like to keep on your blog but My advice is that you should not keep gadgets on your blog more than 7 gadgets [Including Blog post, header, labels, popular posts] If you have gadgets embedded on your blog more than 7 , then just remove them. It will help you a lot to make your blog load faster as it takes lots of time to render or show these gadgets.Removing Extra CSS Codes :
You can make your blog load 27-35 % faster by removing extra CSS codes from your blog template, here you just have to edit your blogger template and remove some codes which you can find after the code<b:skin>
now you just have to remove unnecessary codes don't remove any blog default code [If you don't find the code, Let Us know We'll Do it for you, just drop Comment here.]Customizing Images on Your Blog :
Don't add background as an Image, it will affect blog page loading time by 19% , you can use white color or the one which you like, Adding small images or pictures to your blog posts also helps to load your Blog faster, that's why use small size images.Remove SlideShows or Videos :
You must remove Slideshows which contains various pictures [If you download any blogger template then most of the templates contain a slideshow gadget which shows different images on blog homepage, it also affects google crawling and indexing performance]Adding a video on your blog may affect blog loading time, I'm not saying that you shouldn't add videos to your blog or website but be careful.
Final Words :
At last I would like to say that doing this all work your blog can go much better with increase in blog page loading time, don't forget to take a test again on Pingdom and compare it with your 1st result. Happy Blogging :-)If you have any problem regarding our post just drop your comment here or feel free to contact Us and Don't forget to Subscribe us via Email.