Bisque are a Coolbrands 2013/2014 Award Winner

For more than thirty years Bisque has been at the forefront of the radiator revolution. They were the first company to introduce designer radiators into the UK and their philosophy and vision still remains the same - to offer beautiful but practical radiators in the most exciting styles, colours and shapes.
Bisque's Chime Radiator

And they've been doing just that, Bisque have been awarded a Coolbrands 2013/2014 award. Coolbrands collections the opinions of experts and consumers to produce a barometer of Britain's coolest brands. Each brand on the list has qualified for inclusion based on the collective opinion of an expert council and more than 2,000 members of the British public. 

Make a statement with Archibald

For more information about Bisque Radiators contact Gallery Showroom.
