How to Change Blogger Scroll Bar

How To Change Blogger Scroll Bar

Scrolling bar is displayed on right side of the browser tab. Scrolling bar help users to scroll up and scroll down webpage. Almost everyone, use the default scrolling bar it seems different in every version of browsers. If anyone have Firefox it will displayed as Firefox built scrolling style, also it depends on version of Windows. If anyone use Windows XP then it will be displayed in Blue color and if anyone use Windows 8 or any other Operating System it will displayed according to their OS builds. Some examples of Scrolling bar is given below. One of them is taken with default scrolling bar and other one is taken with scrolling script.

Do you want to make your blog scrolling bar stylish and users attractive? Lets learn how to do this.

This will add a Beautiful CSS Scroll bar to your Blog like in the above image.
You can also change the color of this scroll bar, can make it dual colored scroll bar.
Its very easy to Change your Blog's Default Scroll Bar to Our CSS Scroll Bar.
You need to follow these simple steps for installing this scroll bar.

1. Go to Blogger > Dashboard > Template.
2. Click Edit Template.
3. Find the following code.
4. After finding the above code, paste the following just above it.
/* */
::-webkit-scrollbar {
::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
-webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px rgbaundefined0, 0, 0, 0.5);
background-image: -webkit-linear-gradientundefinedtop, #336699 10%, #336699 51%);
::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
5. Thats it, click save template and its done !
Go to Your Blog and check our New CSS Scroll Bar.
Note : You can change the scroll bar color by changing the color code highlighted with red color.
Hope above Tutorial must have helped you.
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