Cold Weather Car Care for the Winter Months

As the first of the winter snow begins to fall and the roads become snowy, icy and the gritting machines come out at full force, it seems about time to prepare ourselves (and our cars!) for the cold weather. Winter weather of course has its benefits but can also be extremely damaging to your car. As the weather deteriorates so can our cars if we do nothing to protect them from these potentially damaging conditions. Driving on salted roads can cause our bumpers and wheel wells to rust, windscreens can whiten very quickly, batteries become flat and tyres can easily become corroded. Essentially every aspect of your car has to work that bit harder during these blustery and busy months.

There are a few ways to avoid any temporary or long term damage and keep yourself safe during winter conditions. Firstly, ensure that the tire pressure is correct; an over pressurised tire can lose traction which can be extremely dangerous during snowy and icy conditions whereas low pressure can increase fuel consumption and contribute to the wear of tyres. Snow tyres are an option for many however they are perhaps not necessary in areas where the snow fall is infrequent and not severe. Ensure that your window screen is always kept clean as this too can corrode and cause the glass to chip. As soon as window screens come into contact with salt and grit, they can become damaged and grit can easily become trapped in the wipers. Ensure to attend to any minor cracks as a drop or change in weather can soon result in a damaged windscreen. During the frosty temperatures heaters are pushed to their limit, avoid any unwelcome problems by making sure your battery is prepared, tighten the terminals and ensure that they are clean.

Of course, the most effective way to protect your car during these months is to opt for frequent cleaning. It may be a wise investment to have a car wash more regularly than usual as contact with salt and grit can quickly begin to damage your car and left for a given amount of time can begin to rust and corrode. Regular car washing is an essential way to avoid any long term damage to a new car. Professional valeting services are the most effective given that hard to reach places can be successfully and thoroughly cleaned with the appropriate treatments and cleaners, reducing damage in the most prone places. This is also the an incredibly convenient option, often taking no longer than twenty minutes is reasonably priced and saves the unwanted hassle of braving the bitter temperatures with a sponge and bucket in hand.

Nothing could dissolute festive cheer like expensive repair or breakdown costs so ensure that your vehicle is in optimum condition all winter round through regular maintenance and thorough cleaning. In doing this, you are ensuring that any damaging grit is removed and always check your tire pressure. This will both keep you and others safe and avoid any long term damage or unexpected costs, leaving you free to enjoy the more pleasant benefits of winter weather!