Windows Security Threats Now Hit Android Devices

As if malicious users still don't have enough to do, they have decided to target more Android devices with their viruses. The more popular Android becomes, the worse it seems to get hit with all kinds of problems that users just do not want.

Major Android Security Threats

Typical threats targeting Android phones are similar to the kinds of security threats that attack Windows computers. The Trojan Horse hidden in what seems to be a useful, legitimate app is the hugest one that is being passed along.

The Trojan apps usually are installed with the following purposes in mind:

  • To be able to send spammed e-mails from a hacked account.
  • To automatically text from a personal number to someone else's.
  • To otherwise tamper with data that could make the hacker money.
One of the major Android security threats right now is the “Zeus” one that steals banking information. It targets banks in Italy, Thailand, and Australia. However, many other major threats are being announced daily. Two examples include the "SmSilence" which steals info from Korean phones, and the multitude of fake Android anti-virus apps on the rise.
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The Number One Motive of Malicious Security Threats

A small but significant amount (23.5 %) of viruses are planted on phones are put there out of revenge, or just to play a cruel joke on someone. This rather reckless category of offenses may not hurt as much financially. However, it still does damage and may be done to help cover up legal information or to frame someone of a crime.

The rest of the hacking instances that involve viral infections on Androids totals about 76.5 %. You guessed it, too. It is this majority of cases that is done with motivation that is one purely of wanting to make a profit from the virus attack.

These majority of situations are ones in which identities and cash is stolen and the user is somehow fooled into giving users access to personal files. This could take place on their Android-powered phones as well as their tablets. Every single piece of information stolen is so that the attacker can somehow steal money or resources to make money.

So What is Being Done About Android Security Threats?

Public forums are being held to take new plans of action against viruses and malware. More legitimate services are also being provided to help people safely protect their Android phones as well as Windows tablets. As more effective protective shields are placed on phones, safety will be increased for everyone.

The goal is to ensure the security of everyone on their mobile devices as would when using a PC. Prevention will be a major priority. However, finding ways to clean up the messes already created on infected devices is one action taken.

In the meantime, Android mobile users as well as anyone who has a Windows Tablet PC needs to beware. It is highly advised that all files come from a legitimate source. Otherwise, correcting the problem later on could take more work.

Author Bio:
Erin Walsh is the Director of Public Relations for Boost Software. She is an avid blogger that enjoys sharing her knowledge with the everyday computer user, by helping them with common errors especially error 1722, error 1719, error 0x80070424, and error 0x80004004. She also specializes in helping pc users update drivers, especially the most problematic ones such as toshiba drivers, no sound, motherboard drivers, chipset drivers, lenovo drivers, nvidia drivers and hp drivers.