Tips and Tricks for Using QR Codes to Increase Car Counts in Your Auto Repair Shop Marketing

QR Codes are and excellent method of directing interested prospects to the specific information that they're looking for. QR Codes are the 'funny looking little boxes' that look like some kind of strange bar code. Well, that's pretty much what they are. But you can really use them effectively for your Auto Repair Shop marketing and increase your car count.

The QR codes are getting more popular every day. They're the little squares that look like a 'funny' bar code made up of squares. In fact, they are bar codes. They are referred to as a 'two dimensional' bar code.

You're seeing them in more ads, signs in restaurants and even in retail stores and magazine ads. They're function is to get customer response and show interested users the information they want. They are perfect for the auto repair shop marketing because you can use them to direct prospects and customers to the specific information that they're looking for.

Consider all the different services you provide. Things like Front End, Brakes, Alignment, Tire Balancing, Oil Lube and Filter Change, Air Conditioning. The list goes on and on.

Now create an information page for your mobile website and a QR code to direct smartphone users right to that page. What' best is that they are free to generate. There's countless websites that let you do it online in a couple of seconds.

Just remember, that when you're using a these codes, it's a mobile user (with a smartphone) that's going to scan it. So don't do anything foolish and like direct visitors to a regular website that they can't easily view.

So how do you use QR codes effectively?

SEASONAL PROMOTIONS: Consider providing details on your A/C Check and Services on one page of your mobile website. Create the QR code and direct visitors right there. When they see the sign; Are you Hot? Cool off with our A/C Special Services and the code, you will attract visitors who are interested.

SPECIFIC SERVICES: Do you specialize in your auto services? Are you all about tires and brakes? Create the pages that detail the information about those services and direct visitors right to them with a QR code.

REGULAR SERVICES: Create pages on your mobile website with your recommended services for vehicles with 25, 50, 70 or 100,000 miles. Create a QR code for each. That way, if your customer has a car with 100,000 mile or more on it, they're not going to see (and waste time) looking at information about cars with much lower mileage.

PHONE CALL: Yes, you can generate a QR code for a phone number. Instead of people trying to remember your number or jot it down, your sign or ad spot can include one so it makes it easy to call you. When it's scanned, the user's phone is brought up on their screen with YOUR PHONE NUMBER automatically inserted. No guessing there!

SPECIAL OFFERS - O.T.O's or ONE TIME OFFERS: Direct users to your Current Promotions page when you advertise 'Save on Auto Repairs' and a QR code to take them right there.

Using QR codes take your prospect or customer right to the information they're looking for. That way, they are left stumbling around your website trying to find it. If they are mobile, they won't even look. Most smartphone users say they will click away from a company directing them to their regular website because it's too cumbersome to use. Sure they can 'pinch' and 'squeeze' to zoom, but most just click away to the competition. That's not going to help YOUR car count, is it?