Researching a Company for an Auto Mechanic

In the first part of this post we talked about what can go wrong if you do not analyze your future employer. Let's set aside speaking about the implications of not doing homework on the firm for the moment and let us get into the means of going about educating yourself.

Onto the list.

1. Start on the web
Should you be on this website then you are without a doubt way ahead of the game. By reading about the auto technician industry and reading the information provided all through this site then you've done the majority of the initial groundwork.

If you are applying to a large firm such as Ford or Honda then you need to go to the company website and find out about it as much as you can. What should you search for on the website? Consider the following points:

* Does the organization function only in the united states, if no then where else, if yes then why they don't grow?
* Any new technologies or automobiles coming in through the pipeline?
* How can you assist with these new technologies.
* Is the organization dependable enough to withstand a difficult economy? (By looking into some recent financial articles about your firm you will easily find this)

2. Ask your friends, or your friends' friends
Your friends could be a great source of information especially if they work in the industry. This method will enable you to get a look into the business culture which is essential to take into account before making your final decision. If you do not have any friends who work directly in car repairs then reach out further and ask them if they know anybody. This will likely increase your web of possible relationships 10-fold.

3. Ask your instructors and classmates (if applicable)
For anyone who is enrolled in a degree program at a community college or at a trade school then you have a wealth of information right at your fingertips. With most of your professors having worked in the profession, you will receive answers to many of your questions. For those who have a teacher who actually worked where you want to work then you can ask for a recommendation (provided you are a good student).

4. Visit repair shops and ask around
There isn't anything wrong with going to your local auto shop and asking some questions. Make an effort to go at a time when they seem the least busy and just ask if it would be OK to talk with the manager or an employee for several minutes. Say you are interested in this line of work and want to gather more info from professionals in the industry. You must have your questions ready in advance so you don't seem to them like wasting their time by trying to come up with questions on the spot.

By taking those four points into account you will have a good idea of the organization you want to work for. You can now make the decision whether you would be a good fit for the firm and more importantly whether the firm is a good fit for you.