Lamborghini Newport Beach's 50th Anniversary SoCal Tour

We here at Lamborghini Newport Beach are so fortunate to live in an area with great weather year round.  It is because of this nearly perfect weather that we are able to enjoy outdoor activities whenever we please.  We couldn't think of a better way to enjoy the great outdoors than to celebrate Automobili Lamborghini's 50th Anniversary by organizing our "SoCal Tour".
This past Saturday (May 18th) started out like any other ordinary Saturday in Orange County.  As the morning moisture faded away while the sun came out, the howls of V10's and V12's piercing the quiet Saturday morning was not coincidental.  With our coffee heated and parking lot emptied, our front lot began to get filled.  Coming from every direction was an assortment of Lamborghini's.  From the legendary Diablo's to the bulletproof Gallardo's, the ferocious Murcielago's to newcomer Aventador's, all were washed and primed for an exciting weekend trip.
The Lamborghini community is a small but close group of individuals all who share a passion for the aggressive and refined brand.  As more and more Lamborghini's started to arrive, the owners began to catch up and see how things have been since they've last seen each other.
When signing in for the event, each participant received a bag with a special Lamborghini Newport Beach 50th Anniversary sport shirt that cannot be bought anywhere.  After they received their bag, each participant was invited to sign our poster that will be proudly displayed in our showroom floor.
On site was Lamborghini Club America President, Andrew Romanowski, who was glad to participate and even educate a few fans on what it's like to be a part of the Lamborghini family.
By now all participants we're present so it was time to get the show on the road.  First up was a driver's meeting presented by Lamborghini Newport Beach Marketing Director Cedric Davy.  The driver's meeting went over what was to be expected and to answer any/all questions from the participants.  Followed by the driver's meeting was a photo-op where each car and its pilots were able to snag a personal picture by their car.  Just after that, a group picture was taken.
Photos taken, gas tanks filled, route discussed, it was time to get the show on the road… literally.
Immediately after leaving our lot, cell phones and cameras sprouted from nearby onlookers.  It was then that we realized… that this event was something special for all of Southern California to see.
The freeway cruise towards the mountains resembled a long string of bright and colorful cars, sometimes being 2 or 3 lanes wide.  Lamborghini's had officially hijacked the freeways, and the public acknowledged it as they scooted off to the side once they realized a large army of low-slung skittles-colored cars were on approach.
Finally the real driving began as we entered the twisting roads of Angeles Crest.  You didn't need to be going 30, 20, or even 10mph above the speed limit to have fun.  But the drivers did have to be awake as the back-to-back twists had a few small rocks sprinkled across the road early on.
Pit stop #1 came as a large turnout which could accommodate the small army was vacant.  Immediately as we arrive, motorcyclists and motorists of the road slowed to a crawl around our group as they snapped away pictures.  About 15 minutes were spent as drivers and passengers got a chance to stretch and reconfigure their now-scrambled brain for the upcoming twists.
Pit stop #2 came in the form of a gas station off the 15 as V10 and V12 appetites are quite large.  Since 47 Lamborghini's needed to fill up, it provided some appreciated down time for drivers to catch up and share their experiences so far with each other.  Other motorists were stunned to drive by as entire gas station was filled at every pump with an Italian bull.  Even the gas station across the street couldn't escape the flood of hungry Lamborghini's.  Gas tanks finally filled, we were on the road again.
Pit stop #3 proved to be quite the scenic stop along the way.  The stop was at a turn out just overlooking Lake Arrowhead.  The parking lot had lots of space… until our small army of Lamborghini's came and conquered it.  Other motorists who had been there before we were immediately knew something epic was about to take place.  V10's and V12's were singing along with their throttle-blipped downshifts as they entered the parking lot stunning the onlookers.  Even motorists who were behind us had stopped to take a picture of the sight.  Finally, we were on our way to the resort.
With the car's engines and suspension systems getting a great workout, we finally arrived at Lake Arrowhead Resort and Spa.  After everyone was accounted for, we proceeded to our cocktail reception where participants were able to unwind and relax.  A few words from Lamborghini Newport Beach's General Manager Pietro Frigerio were said, followed by Lamborghini Club America President Andrew Romanowski, Lamborghini Club Orange County President Kimberly Hoskins, Lamborghini West Coast Sales Manager Gianluca Siciliano, and Lamborghini Newport Beach's Cedric Davy.
With a much needed rest from the previous day, Sunday morning welcomed a fresh new start with the crystal clear atmosphere and dark blue sky.  Luggage packed and bodies revitalized, our trek down the mountain began.
As we entered cities and different freeways, it was the same story with motorists pulling over and snapping away.  Before we knew it, we were in the thick of Highway 74 which provided a scenic route through the mountains.
Pacific Coast Highway proved to be a nice change of pace as we sifted through Dana Point, Laguna Beach, and Crystal Cover before pulling into Bayside Restaurant in Newport Beach.
As we entered, onlookers and even restaurant employees poked their heads out to catch a rare sight of 47 Lamborghini's filling up their parking lot.
With stomachs full, it was time for everyone to bid their farewells and continue their own Lamborghini adventure as Sunday noon grew into Sunday afternoon.  Until next time...

For more pics, click here the following:
Saturday at Lamborghini Newport Beach
Saturday Drive
Saturday at Lake Arrowhead
Sunday Drive
Sunday Lunch at Bayside Restaurant