Why WordPress is Best Blogging Platform?

Wordpress Vs Blogspot, which is best?

WordPress has been one of the most popular Blogging platform used in past couple of years and one of the most common question which I heard from newbie blogger is Why WordPress , or why not BlogSpot. Well, I’m not going to discus why BlogSpot is good but certainly not the best but will focus more on answering Why WordPress and why you should use WordPress as your Blogging platform.

Blogging is one of the easiest way to make money from home. Though setting up a blog seems to be tough but it’s quite easy and there are many professional services like free WordPress setup  which offers free WordPress installation service to get started with WordPress blog.

Reason Why WordPress is chosen by most of the bloggers of Blogging platform:

1. WordPress support:
in wordpress there are WordPress support forum that will come to be the easiest way to get all the support you need. More over lots of users are on WordPress platform and a simple google search will help you to find the WordPress answers you are looking for.

2. WordPress Themes and plugins:
When eve we start a new blog, one of the prime concern is design of the blog. There are three ways to go about it:
  •          Hire a WordPress theme designer
  •          Buy a Premium Theme
  •         Download free WordPress theme

Ideally, most of us will go for free or paid one & I personally vouch for paid once, because of support.  There are hundreds of theme marketplace for WordPress, from where you can download any WordPress themes. Whereas for BlogSpot, it’s limited. More over, using Free lancing Websites, you can easily find many designers and developers, who would love to redesign your theme at cheap price.

3. WordPress as a static Website
If you are planning to create a static website, with wordpress feature you can always use it to create a static website. Having your static website with WordPress will help you in better SEO and ranking in search engine.
In last couple of months, I have seen many of clients started moving their static HTML Websites to WordPress and seen great improvement in search engine raking. There is no rocket science in it, as WordPress plugins helps a lot to optimize your on site SEO and dashboard makes it easier to make changes and update thing for non-techie people, all these static websites are not periodically updated and giving better result. More over, WordPress offer easy ways to integrate social media on your site and there is no second thought that in 2012, Social media is going to change the SEO industry.
Tip: Doesn’t matter what platform you use, make sure you take the advantage of Google+, Delicious, Digg, FB and Twitter to make your blog more social.

4. WordPress is SEO friendly:
This is one of the best part of WordPress, by default WordPress is more SEO friendly than BlogSpot and other Blogging platform. Though you can use best recommended WordPressSEO plugin  to enhance your WordPress blog SEO.

5. Trust and respect:
Blogspot is a free blog platform and that’s why it is used by lots of spammers to create back links and for affiliate marketing. That’s why people tend to avoid Blogspot blogs. Though if you have Self hosted blog in this case it is WordPress, it means you are serious about blogging.

6. Monetization:
As I mentioned in the above point how self hosted wordpress blog helps you to gain respect and trust. Same ways you can easily contact private advertiser and increase your potential to make money. Many advertising agencies doesn’t entertain Bloggers from BlogSpot or many such sub-domain hosted site. Also you will find many Advertising agencies launched Dedicated plugins for WordPress blog, for ex: Infolinks and BuySellads.
Though, these are some of the pros of WordPress but at the same time there are many cons of WordPress like it’s resource hungry, you need to have good How to WordPress knowledge to fix WordPress when it throws any error.