Windows Blue: This is why Microsoft Windows will become just another interface platform and cease being...

Windows Blue: This is why Microsoft Windows will become just another interface platform and cease being a leading OS. Those who will accept and use this new platform will love it, those who don't will migrate to what works best for them. This is a far cry from the all-things-to-all-people operating system that allowed Microsoft to rule the Personal Computing space for decades. Most applaud Microsoft for its innovation with Windows 8, but instead of a clean break with the past, Microsoft has chosen to deceive their long-loyal users into believing the desktop is still there for them. Don't be fooled, the Microsoft desktop is dying, maybe slowly, but it's terminal--no pun intended.

Will Windows Blue, Windows 8's successor, be a nail in the coffin of traditional PCs? Here are 5 key facts that have emerged.

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