Parking Brake Spring Installation

Parking Brake Spring Installation

The braking system within a vehicle has many components, from drum brakes to disc brakes. But, the parking brake is vital in case of major brake failure, allowing the vehicle to stop before losing control to stop the vehicle.


    The parking brake system starts with the lever in the passenger compartment. It is attached to the rear drum brakes by cabling and long springs. When the lever is pulled, the mechanical assembly tightens to press the brake shoes against the drum for halting the car.


    If the parking brake springs need replacement, they can be installed without professional help. After removing the old springs, verify the parking brake shoes are positioned properly. Attach the spring to the strut, or compression bar, with the spring hook pointing to the ground. Then, attach the spring to the parking brake shoe, creating tension.


    After the springs are installed, attach the parking brake cables to the parking brake lever to complete the mechanical assembly. The cabling needs lubrication on its back plate area to avoid friction and damage.