How to Change a Thermostat Switch on a 1993 VW Cabriolet

How to Change a Thermostat Switch on a 1993 VW Cabriolet

Many people think they need to take their 1993 Volkswagen Cabriolet to the dealer to have minor issues like a broken thermostat switch fixed because the car is not made in America and the model is not a common model. However, it's absolutely possible to change the thermostat switch on your own, and in a short period of time. Not only can this save you an extended amount of time waiting at a repair shop; it can save you a considerable amount of money.



    Remove the negative battery terminal and then the positive battery terminal to disarm the Cabriolet's electrical system. Remove the battery tie-down. Pull the battery out of the vehicle.


    Locate the two bolts on the bottom of the battery box, and remove them with an 8 mm socket. You will need at least a 4-inch extension bar to easily reach the bolts, as they are countersunk into the plastic. Pull the battery tray out of the vehicle to access the thermostat fan relay.


    Locate the fan relay. It's a black relay module (see Resource for a photo of one). Unplug the relay and plug the new one into place.


    Replace the battery tray and bolt it into place using the bolts you removed.


    Place the battery back into the Cabriolet. Reconnect the battery positive terminal first and then negative terminal.