Free blog tools to customize blogger templates

Free Blogger Tools
Today, is used by word of blogger and every blogger want his templates unique and stylish and seo friendly. So here I am giving you to top 10 blogger tools which will help you to customize your blogger templates. you can find in this post seemingly endless number of blogging tools in this site to enhance your blog. Customize your blog presence online plugins, search engine optimization tips, adsense optimization tips, blogger templates customization tricks. This will help you to increase your traffic and unique page.  

Top 10 Blogger Tools

Today so many blogging tools available. So It's very hard to know which one is best for your blog. Here are top 10 free blogging tools of 2012 year which are free to use 

1. Character Counter Tools


Count your post tiitle, description and keyword word in one click from Character Counter Tools 

2. HTML Parser Tools

Here providing tool for html code encoder / parser. This tool will give your parser code within a second means instantly. HTML adcode parser tools for chitika, adsese and adbrite

3. Google+ RSS Feed Widget

free service enable us to generate an RSS feed for our personal Google+ Profile and pages which we can add to a Simple Feed Widget in blogger. visit Google+ RSS feed Widget  

4. Hex Color Code Generator


use hex code in your blogger templates for changing color with Hex color code generator  

5. Meta Tag Generator

Meta tag is the most important factor to optimize your blog or site with on page seo.  So visit Meta Tag Generator for Blogger  

6. Add Link to this post widget

Link to this post widget is another best way to increase your seo. This tool will help you to increasing page view and traffic to your blog. Visit Link to this post widget

7. HTML Editor Tools


You can use this HTML editor tool online for changing website page of your blog. you can also use this tool for creating newer widget. HTML Editor tool will give you anything you like to edit on the html code. Use HTML Editor Tool 

8.  Create Privacy Policy Page

After create a blog privacy policy is must need page in blogger and website. so Create privacy policy page for your blog  

9. Free SEO tools


Check your website speed, backlink checker, Meta tag Finder, reciprocal link checker at Free Website SEO Tools

10. Insert HTML code to your website or blog

If you are using blogger platform and want to Insert HTML code to your blog post as a text then you are facing many problem. so use How To Insert HTML Code To Your Blog Post As Text

If you want more tips and trick regarding blogger just visit below category
Blogger Tutorial, Blogger Widget, Google Adsense, Blogging Tips, Increase Traffic, Make Money Online