Is My Brake Squeal Normal?

Is My Brake Squeal Normal?

Squealing brakes on an automobile can be annoying, but the squeal can also be a sign of a problem. Car owners need to determine whether the squeal they are hearing is normal or is an indication of a problem in the brake system.

Normal Brake Squeal

    When asbestos was removed from brake pads, manufacturers had to look for other materials to replace it. Many brake pads made today use various metals in place of asbestos. While the metal makes the brakes work well in a variety of conditions, it is also common for these pads to squeal. Organic brake pads do not use metal, and are less prone to squeal but can only be used on some vehicles.

Problem Brake Squeal

    Brake squeal can be a sign of various problems in the brake system. Some brake pads are made with a metal tab that comes into contact with the rotor when the pad is worn, indicating the pad needs replaced. Brakes might also squeal because of problems with the brake rotor.

Brake Inspection

    Brake pads should be inspected. If the braking material has worn to less than 1/4-inch thick or if the squealing tab (if so equipped) is touching the rotor, the pads will need replaced. Rotors should be inspected for rust, deep scratches, or warping, which will require resurfacing or replacement.