How To Send Password Protected Emails

Hello My Readers Today I am going to show you how to send password protected Emails to your friends . By using this you can send password protected mails .

OK still confuse ?

OK pretend you want to send a Email to your Friend and you want him to enter a password to see the mail .

By Using Website named Lockbin you can send password protected mails . OK so lets start .

  • Steps 
Go to HERE .  you will see a page like this .

  • Click on the Start now and follow the steps .

Fill your Form . Choose The password , Complete the Captcha and Click on the Submit Button . 

The mail will go sometimes in Spam Folder .

When you will see the password protected mail , they will ask you for to enter the password like this below . 

Enter your Password and Click on Submit then you can see your secret mail  :) 

Note :: By using this Service you can also send fake Emails to your friends exactly like we did in our last post . Check here Send Fake E-mail to your friends .

You Just have to enter the wrong information in the form . :) 

if you are getting any problem then please drop me a Hi in comments i write this post in hurry . 

Your Friend Wamiq :)