How to Fix a Radiator Fan to a 1990 Nissan Maxima

The Nissan Maxima has dual cooling fans that work together in an effort to reduce the temperature of the radiator's coolant. The four-bladed fan on the driver's side spins at a slower speed and is typically responsible for normal radiator cooling. When your Maxima's coolant reaches temperatures higher than the four-bladed fan can reduce the second five-bladed fan turns on and is able to quickly lower the temperature of the coolant. As the radiator fans age one or both of them may fail as a result. With a few common tools, you can replace the radiator fan assembly entirely in your 1990 Nissan Maxima at home. The task even if you're inexperienced should take no longer than 30 minutes to do.



    Open the driver's door on your '90 Maxima and fully engage its emergency brakes. Pull the hood release lever and then raise your car's hood.


    Locate your Maxima's radiator fan within the engine compartment. Both fans sit side by side against the back of the radiator as an assembly. On the top, right corner of the fan assembly, you should see two wiring harness plugs. Both of the plugs are the fans power source. Unplug both of the wiring harnesses from their connection on the fan assembly. Tuck both of the plugs to the side temporarily within the engine compartment.


    Remove the two bolts securing the radiator fan assembly to the radiator with a socket wrench. Both of the bolts sit just below the top radiator supports on the left and right side of the radiator cap.


    Raise the front-end of your Maxima with a hydraulic jack. You do not have to raise the car extremely high, just enough to safely be able to see the bottom of the radiator. Place a jack stand for added support beneath the frame rearward of both front tires.


    Slide under the front-end of your Nissan Maxima so that you're able to see the bottom of your radiator and the fan assembly. In virtually the same location as the two bolts that you removed from the top of the fan assembly, you should see two more bolts at the bottom of the assembly. Remove the two bolts with your socket wrench and then stand back up facing the fan assembly once more.


    Grasp the left and right side of your Maxima's fan assembly and lift it out of the engine compartment. Set the assembly to the side and then lower your new fan assembly down into the engine compartment.


    Slide back under the front-end of your Maxima. Install and secure both of the fan assembly's lower bolts with your socket wrench. Remove the jack stands and lower your Maxima back down to the ground safely.


    Install and secure both of your Maxima's top radiator fan assembly bolts with your socket wrench. Plug both of the wiring harness plugs back up to their connecting point on the top, right side of the fan assembly. Disengage the emergency brake and start the engine. Allow your 1990 Nissan Maxima's engine to idle for 20 minutes to see if the new four-bladed fan turns on. Shut the hood and turn your engine off.