How to Bench Bleed a Master Cylinder on a 2001 Mazda B3000

Bench bleeding the master cylinder in a 2001 Mazda B3000 is necessary for the removal of all the air from the cylinder. The master cylinder has two orifices for brake lines: one for the front and one for the rear. Once the master cylinder has been bled, care must be taken to avoid dripping brake fluid onto the paint. Brake fluid will discolor the paint, and if left for any period of time, it will remove the paint.



    Disconnect the electrical wire located on the master cylinder reservoir on top of the master -- this is the fluid level warning light sensor. Loosen both brake lines, using the appropriate size line wrench. Once the lines are loose, snug them up again to prevent leaking; they will come off easily now.


    Remove the nut securing the master cylinder to the power brake booster stud on the drivers side, using a wrench. Pull the brake line support-bracket off the stud and remove the nut behind it. Remove the nut on the opposite side of the master cylinder.


    Place rags under the master cylinder to catch any brake fluid leakage. Remove the two brake lines, using the line wrench. Pull the master cylinder off the power booster studs and immediately tip the master so that the brake line openings are facing up, which prevents them from leaking.


    Support the new master cylinder by its rear-mounting flange in a vise. Remove the plastic bleeder lines from the new master cylinder box. Install the plastic adapters and hoses in the two brake line orifices in the master cylinder.


    Remove the cap on the reservoir and fill the reservoir with brake fluid. Hold both plastic bleeder lines in the reservoir, making sure they are submerged in the brake fluid.


    Insert the Phillips screwdriver in the concave center of the piston in the rear of the master cylinder. Push the piston in and allow it to return. Continue pumping while holding the bleeder lines in the fluid, until all the air bubbles have been expelled.


    Hold the bleeder lines in the master reservoir and remove the master cylinder from the vise. Install the master cylinder on the two power brake booster studs. Remove one bleeder line at a time, and install a brake line, accordingly. Immediately tighten the lines to limit the brake fluid leakage.


    Install the nuts on both sides of the master cylinder and tighten them to 18 foot-pounds of torque. Install the brake line support over the drivers side stud and install a nut; tighten it to 18 foot-pounds of torque.


    Reconnect the electrical connector on the master cylinder reservoir. Clean up any brake fluid spillage with a clean cloth.