Few Months ago I have heard about "blog" from friends before that period The word "blog" are unknown for me. My friends say me that Creating blog and writing blog article you can earn money. So that period I also want to Some cash. I am very new that period about blogging. so i do some common mistake with my all blog. Many bloggers do the same mistake which i do. I am very initiate in blogging field but I teach many things from doing blogging. So In this article I share my experience to you about 3 common mistake which i did and mostly every blog owner do.
3 Common Mistakes that a blogger do
Choose Blog Topic
The Most biggest mistake that a blog-master do is that blog owner write blog topic about which unknown. See Example I am creating my blogging career on August 2011 which was mainly related to Legal advice, law . but i know very few things about that topic so result that I failing to my blog.
Eventually I find this mistake and after that period I started my new blog related to blogger tips, tricks, internet, seo, etc... I am reading almost all blogger tutorial and tips from all blog and website. So I going to very deep in this subject which was related to blogging tutorial and internet. and now this day it is give me daily thousand of visitor every single day so my advice to blogger who start own blog and fresher never write a topic you are not known.
Eventually I find this mistake and after that period I started my new blog related to blogger tips, tricks, internet, seo, etc... I am reading almost all blogger tutorial and tips from all blog and website. So I going to very deep in this subject which was related to blogging tutorial and internet. and now this day it is give me daily thousand of visitor every single day so my advice to blogger who start own blog and fresher never write a topic you are not known.
Blog Content
Every blogger facing similar mistake about to choose content. You are starting or creating new blog content on a topic which are not known. so In this case you start posting about that topic from other's blog means you do copy paste work. As Today If you want success in Blogging on internet the first thing you have to do that creating own content you always heard that Content is king so create every single post from himself. If your blog content are fresh and unique that you find more and more hits every day from your blog.Your Staying Power
This is fact the every blogger start blogging more making money online like me. When you are not able to find any income and visitor you stop writing content or new blog. I also facing similar problem when I starting my blogging career about 1 year ago. I created 10 blogs on different topic. When you writing post on more than one blog topic you are not capable to handle all blog. so result that not success in this field. My advice to you that only focus one blog rather then many blog.so you get 100% success in this blogging world.