Most Beautiful NASA Photos

NASA has been exploring the universe for many years. During this exploration it has taken millions of beautiful and amazing photos of planets, galaxies, moons, space shuttles, astronauts, comets and more. Among these huge collection of photos, some are extremely beautiful as well as highly remarkable. In this post, we'll show you 10 of the most beautiful NASA photos.

1. EarthRise, 1968

Considered to be one of NASA’s greatest ever photos, Earthrise was taken during the Apollo 8 mission in 1968. This image was taken while the crew of the Apollo 8 mission orbited the moon during Christmas time. 

2. Buzz Aldrin on the moon, 1969

Taken by Neil Armstrong, this photo encompasses two of the bravest men to ever grace our planet - Buzz Aldrin (posing) and Neil Armstrong (on the visor). This photo is considered the best to have been taken during the Apollo 11 mission, and will continue to live on as an inspiration to scientific imagination.

3. Bootprint on the Moon, 1969

Photographed by Buzz Aldrin, in accordance with Apollo 11 mission objectives, as a way for scientists to investigate the properties of the lunar soil. Stands as the classic image representing human presence on the moon.

4. Pillars of Creation, 1995

Probably the most celebrated image taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. This highly sophisticated image taker has been orbiting Earth since 1990, and has returned to us some incredible photos - particularly of deep space. This color-enhanced view of a star-forming region in the Eagle Nebula is a scientific data trove and an aesthetic masterpiece.

5. Challenger Exhaust Trail, 1986

This photo of the smoke plume is of the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster in 1986. Seven brave astronauts perished during the breakup that took place a mere 73 seconds into flight.

6. Jupiter’s Great Red Spot, 1979

This photo demonstrates the turbulent and awesome nature of Jupiter’s atmosphere. The spots, including the famous Jupiter’s Great Red Spot, is a persistent super hurricane, an elemental phenomenon that points to a mostly fluid planetary surface.

7. Hubble Ultra Deep Field, 2004

The Hubble Ultra Deep Field image was compiled from months of data between September 2003 and January 2004. The goal of creating this image was to identify distant galaxies that originated during the initial Big Bang. The resulting image contains a mind boggling 10 thousand different galaxies within its confines.

8. Untethered Spacewalk, 1984

Bruce McCandless II ventured more than 300 feet from space shuttle Challenger in his jet-powered Manned Maneuvering Unit during mission STS 41-B. The first untethered spacewalk in Earth orbit.

9. Blue Marble, 2012

The Blue Marble 2012 is a composite image that is the ultimate result of compiling data from the Suomi NPP satellite. The data used for the image was a result of six full orbits of the earth. This image is the most amazing high-definition image of Earth ever taken.

10. Saturn from Cassini, 2004

The U.S./European Cassini spacecraft arrived in orbit around Saturn in July 2004, and is now on an extended tour of the ringed planet and its moons. The Huygens probe, dropped onto Titan’s surface in January 2005, was the first visitor to that moon.