Bajaj Auto Limited (BAL), the leading Indian Two wheeler-maker, launched a new edition of its popular 100 cc bike Bajaj Discover in the Indian market on Thursday. The all new Discover 100 is the 2011 edition of this bike. The company said on the occasion that it has sold over 40 lakh Discover brand bikes since its introduction in the market in year 2004. To celebrate this success, Bajaj Auto is introducing the 2011 edition of the largest selling variant of Discover- Discover 100, it added.
The company has offered this latest edition of Bajaj Discover in new exciting multi-colour decals in two options of red magenta and gold green. The multicolor decal of the bike has been blessed with a charismatic 'Auto Colour change' feature.
In auto colour change, the bike's colour changes between two shades depending on the angle of sunlight. According to the company, the all new 'Auto Colour change' feature has been introduced for the first time in the motor cycle industry and this could well be the first one to have this feature in the entire auto industry.
According to a statement given by Bajaj Auto's President (Motor-cycles), S Sridhar, "We have recently appointed more than 130 additional dealers and I expect them to contribute towards the growth of Discover next year. So with a wider network and with the new product innovation, Discover should also keep growing,"
The new Discover 100 carries the same segment leading fuel economy of 80KMPL, better than the mileage of many of its competitors in the 100CC bike segment.
The company has offered this latest edition of Bajaj Discover in new exciting multi-colour decals in two options of red magenta and gold green. The multicolor decal of the bike has been blessed with a charismatic 'Auto Colour change' feature.
In auto colour change, the bike's colour changes between two shades depending on the angle of sunlight. According to the company, the all new 'Auto Colour change' feature has been introduced for the first time in the motor cycle industry and this could well be the first one to have this feature in the entire auto industry.
According to a statement given by Bajaj Auto's President (Motor-cycles), S Sridhar, "We have recently appointed more than 130 additional dealers and I expect them to contribute towards the growth of Discover next year. So with a wider network and with the new product innovation, Discover should also keep growing,"
The new Discover 100 carries the same segment leading fuel economy of 80KMPL, better than the mileage of many of its competitors in the 100CC bike segment.