Scheduled Release track features update 11/8/11

The following features are now available to domains following the Scheduled Release track:
- New option when granting access to Gmail
A new option is now available to users when granting access to their Gmail account. This option controls whether a message is marked as read or unread when accessed by the person accessing the account. This is useful for the manager/assistant use cases.

Note: Administrators can control whether their users have this option to grant access or not via the administrator control panel.

The following features are intended for release to these domains on November 15th:
The ‘Manage this domain’ link for administrators is moving from its current location at the top right of the inbox, to the bottom right corner of the inbox, just underneath ‘Last account activity’. This link will not show if Tasks or a chat mole is open. If an administrator account switches to Gmail’s new look, the ‘Manage this domain’ link moves to the Settings gear menu in the upper right of the Gmail inbox.

- Calendar’s new look will automatically become the default interface. Users can revert to the classic look for a limited time.

We’ll keep you updated on when these changes will become permanent for scheduled domains, and we encourage you to review the information and training materials on the new look at and

- Suggested times: With this new feature, a pop up will display and suggest times when guests are available.

- Pivot table: More options when sorting pivot tables.

Release track:

Editions included:
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

For more information:

*Scheduled Release track: Domains with ‘Scheduled Release’ option enabled in the administrator control panel. Learn more

New look on the way for Gmail, Calendar, Docs and Sites! Find out more at
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