The Best SEO Method

If you asked 10 different SEO experts which was the absolute best SEO method, you'd likely get 10 different answers.

Why? Because the truth of the matter is, there is no absolute best SEO method. They all work, provided, they are all executed properly. Let me explain.

Regardless of the industry, different experts have different opinions. Does that mean one expert is right and another expert is wrong? No, it doesn't. It simply means our opinions, analysis and thought processes are shaped by our personal experiences, successes and failures. And while one expert might have had success with one particular SEO method, another expert might have had success with an entirely different method.

In other words, multiple experts can have different opinions about a topic, and all parties can still be correct based on their own personal experiences.

My Best SEO Method>

Now, I don't consider myself an SEO expert by any means. However, I do have many articles that rank highly in Google's SERP's (search engine results pages). Therefore, based on my own personal experience and the success I've had with article syndication, in my opinion, the best SEO method is to create and distribute quality, relevant content.

You see, if you create and distribute quality, relevant content, your website will get linked to by quality websites. And if your website gets linked to by quality websites, your search engine ranking will grow. And isn't that the whole point of SEO to begin with - increased search engine ranking?

The Panda Update

Just to be clear, when I talk about search engine ranking, I'm not talking about "PageRank", Google's 0-10 logarithmic toolbar which is nothing more than a "superficial beauty contest" vanity tool - very much out-of-date, and does NOT have a direct impact on a site's ranking. No, I'm referring to where your pages rank in Google's SERP's.

And if the recent Panda update has taught us anything at all, it's that Google is committed to "taking out the trash." And if you produce garbage content, eventually one of Google's algorithm changes is going to punish you.

In fact, this is what Google said about the recent Panda update:

"This update is designed to reduce rankings for low-quality sites which are low-value add for users, copy content from other websites or sites that are just not very useful. At the same time, it will provide better rankings for high-quality sites with original content and information such as research, in-depth reports, thoughtful analysis and so on. It is important for high-quality sites to be rewarded, and that's exactly what this change does." (Source: Google Blog)

Ya Gotta Have Pride

But it's not just Google that has a problem with garbage content. Many Internet users despise the low-quality content that permeates the Internet as well. That said, you shouldn't create quality content just to please Google or visitors to your website. Creating quality content should be a matter of personal and professional pride.

Because just like the products and services you sell are a direct reflection of you, so too is the content on your website. There are many marketers who consider the content on their site unimportant - little more than filler. The content is just there to take up space. It has no goal and serves no real purpose.

That's a fatal mistake. The content on your site should have a purpose. If it doesn't have a purpose, then why is it even there? And you can bet, if I'm asking that question, so is Google. Remember what I just said about your content being a reflection of you and having personal and professional pride?

Create Useful Content

Always make sure the content on your site is useful, informative, interesting and/or entertaining. If it isn't, visitors are unlikely to return or refer your site to others - depriving you of valuable word-of-mouth exposure. Also, make sure your content is well-written. It doesn't have to be a journalistic masterpiece, but it shouldn't be an embarrassment either - like it was written by a 3rd grader.

If you don't write well, reputable and professional content writing services like Nicole Beckett's, can write content for you at a reasonable cost.

A Word About Keywords

Since this article is about SEO, I would be remiss if I didn't discuss keywords. When interspersing keywords throughout your pages, be careful not to repeat them so often they looked forced. Overdoing it with keywords (known as keyword stuffing) will make your content read unnaturally, and will lead to an unpleasant reading experience for your readers.

In addition, if search engine spiders discover too many of the same keywords on your pages, you will likely be penalized for spamming. This will adversely affect the search engine ranking of your pages. It might even get your site blacklisted, if a pattern of keyword stuffing is detected on your site.

Garbage In, Garbage Out

In closing, you have a choice. You can either create garbage content that belongs outside on the curb waiting to be picked up and disposed of by Google's waste management algorithm truck, or you can create quality, relevant content that is useful and helps people.

Because if you focus on consistently creating quality, relevant content, regardless of what other SEO methods you choose to implement, they will only be enhanced.