List of Microsoft Excel Keyboard Shortcut

Just as in other Microsoft Office Software,  in Microsoft Excel  if we want to work  faster or you don't like to use a mouse, then you can use keyboard to hit the shortcut key.

Bellow are list of shortcut keys for Ms Excel :

1      Ctrl + A      select all
2      Ctrl + B      make Bold 
3      Ctrl + I      make  italic
4      Ctrl + K      insert link.
5      Ctrl + U      make under line
6      Ctrl + P      Show print dialog
7      Ctrl + Z      Undo
8       F2      Edit  selected cell
9       F5      Go to defined cell
10       Shift + F5      showing search form
11       F7      Check spelling
12       F11      making chart
13       Shift + F3      Insert function / formula
14      Ctrl + Shift + ;      Insert time (hour,min)
15      Ctrl + ;      insert date
16      Alt + Shift + F1      new worksheet
17      Ctrl + 5      strikethrough
18      Ctrl + F9      Minimize
19      Ctrl + F10      Maximize 
20      Ctrl + F6      Switch between opened excel
21      Ctrl + Page up      toggle beetwen Sheet to the left
22      Ctrl + Page down      toggle beetwen Sheet to the right
23      Ctrl + Tab      toggle beetwen opened  excel
24      Alt + =      add sum formula
25      Ctrl + '      inserting the value upside cell
26      Ctrl + Shift + !      Number in coma format
27      Ctrl + Shift + $      currency format
28      Ctrl + Shift + #      date formating
29      Ctrl + Shift + %      formating in percent
30      Ctrl + Shift + ^      format in scient
31      Ctrl + Shift + @      time formating
32      Ctrl + Arrow key        move to next text
33      Ctrl + Space      select all columb
34      Shift + Space      select all row