Ultra-Thin Braille Displays Coming Soon

Braille is a system of raised dots that makes up the alphabet. Braille is the way that people with low vision and who are blind read text. Braille books are very thick and heavy compared to their print counterparts. Currently Braille users are using refreshable Braille displays to read Braille. A refreshable Braille display uses small dots that pop up in the appropriate place to make a Braille letter. Currently refreshable Braille displays are large and bulky. Now Someya Labs in Japan has found a way to shrink the refreshable Braille down to credit card size. The new displays have a 24 character display that can fit into your wallet or pocket. The new display dubbed "sheet Braille display" is not on the market as of this post. With this new smaller Braille display Braille users will be able to easily take it with them wherever they go. Click read more below  or to watch/listen to  a video about the new display.