How To Build An Automated List Building Empire

Hello Readers,

One of the most vital things you can do to grow your online business steadily is by building your own opt-in list. If you want to break the 5-figure barrier every month, having a list is a faster way to achieve this. Why? Simply because you can tap into the power of repeat visitors. With a list, you can promote your offers repeatedly and give repeated exposure to your offers to the same group of people. Repeated exposure equals greater sales which equals greater profits.

Step 1 - Buy several Power Leads packages at Get Subscribers. Funnel the leads straight into your autoresponder account.


Step 2 – Sign up for's co-registration list building service. It works just like in that visitors tick a box on a web page to sign up for your list!


Step 3 - Sign up for List Joe and get their premium account. You will be able to blast an ad out to 3,000 subscribers every 3 days. A great list builder!


Step 4 – Use the advertising system to generate leads on autopilot. LeadsLeap allows you to advertise in their newsletter for free and at the same time earn credits for viewing ads which results in more exposure for your ad. A very powerful system indeed!


Step 5 - Write and submit articles to the article directories. This is an old yet proven way to send targeted traffic to your site.

Step 6 - Sign up for some high trafficked forums in your market. Create a signature file promoting your site and start posting solid content.

Step 7 - Sign up for some giveaways and become a contributor. This is an ultra fast way to build a list.

Step 8 - Set up classified ads at these sites - Craigslist, eBay Classifieds, US Free Ads and Yahoo Classifieds.

Step 9 - Contact potential joint venture partners and arrange a list swap. Your JV partners promote your opt-in page to their lists while you promote theirs to your list. This is the fastest strategy to build a targeted, responsive list.

Step 10 - Set up a blog at Wordpress or Blogger and post up new content daily. Ping your new posts at Pingomatic to get instant search engine recognition.

Step 11 - Set up a few Google AdWords campaigns. Target niche keywords and test your ad copy. You should also sign up for Microsoft Adcenter, which has recently combined forces with Yahoo Search Marketing. This means that by advertising on Adcenter, you get the reach the Yahoo audience as well. This amounts to about 35% of the current search engine market share!

Step 12 - Buy some ezine ads. Sign up for the Directory Of Ezines and search for ezines that are related to your market. Throw away the losers you advertise in and continually advertise in the winners you find to get more subscribers.

Want to look at this 5-figure system further in detail? Let's get into it now
Here are the 'Big Picture' steps to creating your own cash cranking email marketing empire:

Step 1 - Create A Theme For Your List

Step 2 - Build A Lead Generating Squeeze Page

Step 3 - Advertise Your Squeeze Page For Lead Generation

Step 4 - Find Affiliate Products To Promote To Your List

Step 5 - Duplicate In Other Niches