Dancing With Bear Publishing Call for Submisions

This call comes from the new Dancing With Bear publisher who pubs sweet romance, nothing sassy (no erotica).

Holiday Submission Call

Subject: Holidays (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah)
Length - 20,000+ words
Deadline - September 15, 2011
These stories can be any sub-genre that falls within the regular submission guidelines.

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Subject - Valentine's Day 2012
Length - 20,000+ words
Deadline - December 15, 2011 
For Valentine's Day stories I want to see all that sweetness oozing off the pages with flowers, hearts, diamonds, chocolates, or any other way you can think of to make the heart go pitter-patter! All sub-genres are fine, keep regular submission guidelines in mind.
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Subject - Easter 2012
Length - 20,000+ words
Deadline - January 15, 2012
These may be any sub-genre as long as they fall into the inspirational story main genre. For Christians everywhere this is an important holiday that recognizes Jesus' resurrection from the dead and emphasizes that we serve a living God. While the stories do not have to specifically occur on Easter, they should give a message of hope, affirmation of life, and lasting love.

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Children's holiday stories will also be accepted but please note that while children's stories tend to be shorter they will be published in e-format individually, but in print they will be combined for an anthology depending on each story length.

Love, light, and laughter!
Jocelyn Modo