Alternate Light Sources UV-VIS-IR, UV Lights and Accessories can be found here. Some items treated with chemical dyes and stains also require the use of forensic lights for viewing. When I came up with the first portable “Alternate Light Source” the BlueLite Special for forensic use back in 1994 I got a patent on it in 1995. Products Applications Forensic Lights: CrimeScope CS-16 Mini-CrimeScope HandScope Halogen Xenon. Forensic lamps are used in crime scene investigations, forensic light sources are frequently used for identifying body fluids, fibers and narcotics. light sources have been used in forensic laboratories and at crime scenes for years to lights, Woods’ lamps and alternate light sources. Let's face it. We've all seen CSI, Bones and a host of other forensic TV shows where investigators are able to find evidence anytime and any place they like. Latent fingerprint examinations UV and blue light lamps enable crime scene investigators and forensic labs to see prints that were developed with fluorescent materials. The Power Of The Forensic (Alternate) Light Source. TRIBRITE Tactical Handheld Forensic Light Sources. NOW AVAILABLE IN KIT FORM! SEE BELOW FOR KIT COMPONENTS.
TRIBRITE Tactical Handheld Forensic Light Sources. NOW AVAILABLE IN KIT FORM! Forensic Light Source Kits Spectroline Lamps are Backed by a Half Century of UV Technology! Products Applications Forensic Lights: CrimeScope CS-16 Mini-CrimeScope HandScope Halogen Xenon. The 455nm Forensic Light Source high-intensity blue light at 455nm. The new and improved range of high intensity forensic light sources for laboratory and crime scene investigation. ©2012 Safariland, LLC - All Rights Reserved Privacy Policy. Command Forensic Headlamps. Six Forensic Light Sources, Six Specific Applications Now in White, UV, and Infrared! covering the UV - VIS - IR, it introduced many new design features in forensic light sources.