Scheduled Release track features update 3/15/11

The following features are now available to domains on the Scheduled Release track:

- Improved label visibility controls: The “Hide read labels” and “Hide Labels from Subjects” labs to help people manage their ever-growing lists of labels have graduated from Gmail Labs. Some improvements to how they work have also been made. Instead of simply hiding all labels from subject lines, you can now choose which labels to show or hide. We also revamped the Labels tab in Settings as well as the dropdown menus for each label in the label list.
- Priority inbox cleanup: If users have enabled Priority Inbox but have not used it in a while, they will see a "clean up" button which will mark all old important messages as read.

The following features are now intended for release to these domains on March 22:

Google Docs:
- A refreshed documents list interface making it more useful to find, explore and share items.

Release Track:

Editions included:
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

Languages included:
All languages supported by Gmail and Google Docs

For more information:
Label Visibility:
Documents list Refresh:

*Scheduled Release track: Domains with ‘Enable scheduled releases’ checkbox enabled in the administrator control panel. Learn more

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