Google and Airbus confirmed as key-note speakers at Ubisense User Conference

Cambridge, 10th June, 2010 - Ubisense, the world leader in Precise Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS) will be hosting its Worldwide User Conference on 21st and 22nd September 2010 close to its Corporate Headquarters in Cambridge, England. The packed agenda features location industry expert Ed Parsons, Google’s Geospatial Technologist, along with strategic customer Carlo K Nizam, Head of Value Chain Visibility and RFID, Airbus.

The event focus will be on end-users and partners sharing best practice and their experiences of deploying the Ubisense precise real-time location system in a wide variety of situations. The predominant theme is one of production installations with speakers representing Airbus, Aston Martin, BMW, Caterpillar, EDF Nuclear, Alitalia, General Electric, Jenaer Transit and the French Army.

Presentations will detail examples of large scale transit-yard deployments, a system installed covering maintenance and security at a leading European Airport, manufacturing production line installations in Aerospace and Automotive along with some more unusual installations in venues such as the Excel Exhibition Centre and London’s O2 arena.

In addition, Ubisense are delighted to welcome the President of the MVI Division of Industrial Tool manufacturer Atlas Copco, who have integrated the Ubisense system into their Tools Talk Tool Location System, which has already been installed in some of the world’s largest car manufacturing plants.

Ubisense solutions are also used by hundreds of research organisations across the world. A number of advanced research projects will be presented including an e.on sponsored experimental eco house by Dr Catalina Spataru, from the Department of Architecture and Built Environment at the University of Nottingham, and the recreation of a medieval coronation feast by Florian Heller from RWTH Aachen University.

The event will be held at historic Jesus College, set in the heart of Cambridge, UK. Dating from 1496, the college will form an imposing backdrop for the conference and delegates will be able to enjoy superb dining in the ornate Main Hall.

For further information on the Ubisense User Group Conference 2010 please contact Caroline Brown at