This can be found on the schroud above the fan or on the hood it self. The mechanics will have to double check this while doing the repairs anyways so dont worry to much.
A dishonest mechanic can use this first conversation with you to determine if you are aware of your vehicle's information. Their thinking is if you dont know your vehicles year make and model and engine size then you don't know really whats under your hood. So if all possible, have this information stored where you can have access to it when needed, like either your computer,
In one of my earlier blogs I mentioned to ask to see your old parts when they are finished. Even know you dont know what your looking at, this gives the mechanics a sence that you are a very careful shopper!
If you haven't got your own pocket scanner from Amazon you should plan on getting one real soon. I used it already 3 times in the past 3 months! Once for my car and 2 other times looking at friends and families vehicles. Somthing about the weather change brings on all kinds of car problems. Being able to bring in your own codes to your mechanic also shows him you care about your car and less likely to be scammed also.
So input your vehicles information some wheres so you can have it handy! Happy Driving!