Random Inspiration...

I'm cleaning out my favorites links and my "etc" photo folder. All kinds of great, random inspiration...

{3} Ribbons from Flickr User Danske via: Hey Susy
{4} Missoni Hector Throws from Safari Living...I think I may want to add one of these to my Christmas List...oh wait, they cost $500 each. Scratch that.

{7} Norma Chair...very architectural.
{8} First Aid Tin...this is so cute, I would put my first aid supplies inside and put it on an open shelf in the bathroom.
{9} Bookends from Commune Via: The Brick House Just like my white ones from Junk Culture...except they are brass and cost $800!

{10} Kivikko Pouff from Marimekko...I think I need one of these.