Value of an Interior Designer

I am often asked how much a design project will cost. Price seems to be the first thing that people think of when they think of Interior Design; "it must cost a lot, certainly it is too expensive for me". However, I have realized over and over during these conversations that the inquirers don't know what they are purchasing when they choose to work with a design professional. So I wrote a quick educational piece to help those that may be on the bubble, considering hiring a Designer. Let's call it a "product description" for Interior Design Services.

Benefits of Working with an Interior Designer

The thought of hiring an Interior Designer can be intimidating and seems “expensive”. The truth is that a trained design professional can save you time, money and help you create the room of your dreams.

A designer will

  • save you money by avoiding costly mistakes and bad purchases

  • save you time by doing the legwork for you

  • find innovative and unique solutions to your specific problems and needs

  • spend time focusing on the details, which is the difference between a room that is OK and a room that makes you feel alive

  • make you aware of other choices available and give you the confidence to try something new

  • make the most of what you already have

  • have access to products beyond the chain retail stores, and tried and tested contractors and craftspeople

  • manage & coordinate the work, contractors, and stress of a design project

A well designed space looks like you spent more money than you did; it is pulled together with thought and coherence, and comfortable for your family and lifestyle. This is your home and the design, good or bad, will live there with you for many years.

Working with an Interior Designer

Working with a designer is a collaborative relationship, not one of superior and subordinate. It is important that you have trust and confidence in the designer that you choose for your project. A successful project relies on open communication between client and designer. You should feel free to voice your opinion on all decisions.

Before meeting with your designer, take time to define your likes, dislikes, and ideas. Communicate your ideas with your designer, but keep an open mind; remember your designer is there to help you enhance your style and take it to a new level.