Renegade Handmade

Renegade Handmade
Renegade Handmade

While in Chicago we stopped in the shop Renegade Handmade. Unfortunately we missed the craft fair by a few days, big bummer -- but it was neat to walk into a place exclusively catered to unique, artistic and creative handmade items. One regret I have is not stopping to talk to the magnificent artists in the front, I was so focused on quickly perusing the shop while my husband was watching our busy toddler that I didn't realize what they were doing, and who they were until I left the shop. (Have you ever had a moment like that?) Remember Chad Kouri's work I mentioned here? Well -- I believe that is him and Jesse Brown in the photo above, so ... "hello Chad and Jesse, nice to meet you" if you are reading this. Have you been to the craft fair before in the various cities across the U.S.? Tell me all about it... and isn't their work great?

Chad Kouri
Print and collage above by Chad Kouri.

Jesse Brown
Work above by Jesse Brown who also worked on this amazing Mykonos video.