Kruse Auction, Auburn, Indiana, September 4, 2009 -- A Nazi Staff Car

Boy, do I need to lose some weight! Here I am at Kruse in Auburn with one of the featured three axle Mercedes Nazi staff cars.

A 1959 2-cycle, 2 cylinder Vespa mini-car. The owner was wanting $35k out of the auction for this vehicle. Good luck! Perhaps when pigs fly!

Interior of a 1960 M-B 190 SL. The consignor wanted $44k for this. "Laddie, you don't have a hope in hell!"

Everyone should experience the Kruse auction and the energy surrounding Auburn, Indiana during special auto weekend held in late August or early September. Sales were slow this time, and buyers, as usual had to beware. Many wives and girlfriends were in attendance as well as the car guys. Yet, despite all the folks in attendence, I saw only two African-Americans, and I only saw that pair as I was leaving the site. Truly it was an Aemrican experience, complete with singing at noon of the National Anthem accompanied by a harmonica player.

A good number of cars did not make reserve. But there were some great deals, like a 1966 Mustang GT for $11.5k. But there were cars to run away from, as fast as one can run. You have to be SO careful at such an event. You have to know the car extremely well, and then the car on the block as to be inspected with great scrutiny. How much Bondo was sold yesterday? How many cars that don't have numbers matching, or are clones of more desirable models of the same car and year.

But great fun, nevertheless. Everyone seems so friendly. The used parts vendors section always a treasure hunt. Who in their right mind wants summer to end?