Fallingwater house tour

Fallingwater is the name of a very special house that is built over a waterfall.  Frank Lloyd Wright, America’s most famous architect, designed the house for his clients, the Kaufmann family.  Fallingwater was built between 1936 and 1939.  It instantly became famous, and today it is a National Historic Landmark. The Western Pennsylvania is entrusted to preserve Fallingwater for generations to come.
When the Kaufmanns first looked at Wright’s drawings, they were very surprised! They thought their new house would have a wonderful view of the falls. But instead, with the house right on top of the falls, it was very difficult to even see them. But not to hear them! Frank Lloyd Wright told them that he wanted them to live with the waterfalls, to make them part of their everyday life, and not just to look at them now and then.

Our friend Roland went to the house tour a couple of weeks ago and reported back with these beautiful images.
Please enjoy

click here for info about the tours
