Make Money with Google Adsense

How to make money with Google Adsense?

I am going to explain make money using Google Adsense. It is very easy to make money using Google Adsense account. First of all create a new Google Adsense account by visiting URL below. Money with Google Adsense

Requirement for creating Google Adsense account is a web site or a blog. I recommend you to create a blog on
Google team will review your Blog or Web Site and your Google Adsense account will be approved by them.
After creating Google Adsense account I recommend you 2 major websites which will helpful for generating revenue via Google Adsense.

Make Money with Google AdsenseI think this is a great site offers you to add photos by creating an account on It will ask Your Google Adsense Publisher ID and your Google Adsense ads will appear on every photo added by you. You can see your Google Adsense Publisher ID by logging in Google Adsense account. gives you 100% revenue of your Google Adsense.

This is another good site to generate revenue by using Google Adsense. When you will create new account at It will ask you some information about your Google Adsense but not password. They are affiliated with Google Adsense services. You can also see a banner "Powered by Google Adsense" at this site. You can add Photos and Videos (using You Tube). You can write your own blogs. Every where you can see your own Google Ads. So visitors of this site can click on your ads and you can get money.

I hope this information is enough to earn money. I know people who are earning money using only these two web sites. Believe me it will work if you will try these site. Best of luck.