Use Webslug To Check How Fast Your Site Loads

WebSlug is website which provides you a free service to measure your web site’s loading time/speed. You can do this directly from any web browser like Opera, FireFox, IE, or Chrome, and you can also compare one site to another.

The way I would use WebSlug would be to test a website’s speed. Make some minor modifications (one at a time) and test the speed again. A very handy tool at your fingertips to troubleshoot with – all you need is a web browser and an internet connection. The web site has this little tidbit for you:
Webslug is just a way of identifying potential problems with your website’s performance. How to improve it is an exercise we’ll leave to you. With that being said a general rule is that about 80% of improvements can be made on the front end.
Let’s take a look at how WebSlug works and play with its Compare feature. To start, I will show you guys the single website speed test. It is located here: All you need to do is type in a full URL into the address box and hit the “Run test” button. Check it out:
The site will load in that greyish box:
And when it completed, I saw this:
So, my site took about 8 seconds to load. Now, I am going to compare it to another website. In this instance, I chose , which is a much bigger site with a lot more dynamic content.
Yesss!!! beat buzzvines by 3.07 seconds.

With that, I decided to compare another set of sites - Google and Bing. Which search engine is faster?
Wow! Interesting! Bing beat Google by almost 0.3 seconds! That’s huge considering their page is a lot busier!

Anyways do check your site speed with webslug, and let us know the result by posting it in comments,

HappY SurfinG!!! (: