Use Internet Explorer 8 For a Month And Win $10,000AUD

If you love solving puzzles, this treasure hunt could take you to $10,000 within a month. The concept is very simple, they(Microsoft) have buried $10,000 somewhere on the web, and you have to find ‘em using the daily clues. If you find it, it'll be abvious that the $1000 is yours. Remember that the prize is $10,000 Australian dollars, which is roughly equivalent to $8000 American dollars.

How To Win $10000 in a Month Using Internet Explorer 8?

1st. Make sure that you are using Internet Explorer 8. Microsoft Australia claims that if you use any other browser, you’ll not be able to “crack the code”.

You can upgrade to Internet Explorer 8 here.

Also, if you are using the Compatibility View, then the server side scripts on will think that you are using IE7. To fix this issue, you should disable the compatibility view list. To do so, go to Tools >> Compatibility View settings, then uncheck the option Include updated website lists from Microsoft.

2nd. Now that you are all geared up with IE8, follow them on twitter, @tengrand_IE8. All the clues that lead to the treasure will be twitted there. In fact, the first clue is already out,

That’s it. Now follow all the clues like above until 17th September, and try to find the treasure. The first one who find it, keeps it.

This promotion is for people living in Australia only. So if you are not from Australia, but still cracked the code, then partner up with someone from Australia, and give him a part of the prize. maybe 50/50, I am sure you have some friends from Australia on Orkut or Facebook.

Best of Luck!