The New Collectors by guest: Brooke Reynolds

Brooke Reynolds

It appears that my collecting gene has been passed on to my two children
(shown above). Children love to stop and stare at all kinds of things as
they wander around: bugs, leaves, sticks, etc. As I wrap up my week
here, I leave you with one last collection that is not mine. This one
belongs to my 4 year old son. He's been picking rocks up for a few years
and keeps them in a shoebox in his closet.

Brooke Reynolds

I've loved being with you all week. A big thank you to Rachel for
letting me share a few of my collections. I know there are so many
others out there who collect odd bits of things, maybe I'll start a
regular column over on inchmark where people can share what they collect
and why. I'd love to see what you all have stashed in your desk drawers!

Make it a lovely weekend!

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A big shout out and thank you to Brooke... hasn't this week been so fun seeing all of her fantastic collections? Inchmark is definitely one of my few must-read daily blogs, I am inspired by Brooke and all of her wonderful projects. I think this is an excellent last post for the week, I echo Brooke's sentiments of making it a lovely weekend! Have a great one everyone.