OS: Why Apple Just Won the OS Wars

I don't know what it will do to their bottom line, but Apple may have just won the OS wars today by pricing their upcoming Snow Leopard (OS 10.6) at $29.

Think about it this way: If you buy a new Mac today with Leopard (OS 10.5) in September you can upgrade to the latest and greatest for $29. If you buy a new Windows-based machine today with Vista in October you can upgrade to the latest and greatest (Windows 7) for $200--or even $300+ if you want the Ultimate version.

I'll grant you that you'll have to buy Apple hardware to run Snow Leopard, or be willing to risk running a Franken-Mac on "non-approved" hardware, but that Apple-tax folks so often quote is starting to sound a lot lower.

- Hutch

UPDATE 6/9/09: Heard rumor that Microsoft may give an upgrade price to Windows 7 of only $50 or so. However, that still begs the question on what will it take to get the "ultimate" version?