Looking For a Job? We Have 3 Best Job Search Sites For You

With the world economic climate still painfully low, Everyday more and more people are losing their jobs. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the U.S. unemployment rate hit over 9.01 percent in May 2009. Germany unemployment rate jumped to 7.6 percent, France was at 8.2 percent last month, and the UK was at 6.78 percent in March. It’s imperative that job seekers have all of the tools at their disposal to find new work. High unemployment rates don’t necessarily mean that there’s no work, it often means that the fields where there are available jobs are changing. Today i am going to tell you peeps 3 best job search websites to help you find a new job as quickly as possible.

1. Monster.com - The Monster of Online Job Hunting

Whenever somebody needs access to job markets across the world, Monster is an obvious place to start. Monster has grown into the largest job search site on the Internet, and serves just about every community across the Globe.

What makes the Monster of job search websites so useful is it's "International Search" will net you a pretty nice catch of job opportunities all across the globe. Of course, Monster also offers a free "home page", a place for you to post your resume, and an entire section of some pretty cool "career tools" to help you research every step of the job hunting process.

2. Job.com - An Obvious Choice Among Job Search Websites

I think when it comes to finding a job for yourself or for your peeps, visiting a website like Job.com makes sense. Like Monster, it is one of the few job search websites that offers the ability to search Internationally.

Under the"Additional Search Options", you can search from general areas of the globe, such as Middle East, Asia, United Kingdom or Pacific Rim. The site boasts over 700,000 listings, and they all seem fairly current. It also has the ability to publish your resume so that employers can view it.

3. HotJobs - When You Can’t Get Enough of Job Hunting

Yahoo! Hotjobs is definitely Monster’s greatest competition. One of the things that Yahoo is very good at is providing content, and job seekers who visit Hotjobs are going to get exactly that.

Yahoo! Hotjobs has loads of articles and widgets from tools like Yahoo Answers. It looks same "look and feel" of other Yahoo pages. Aside from all that bonus content, it offers a powerful job search engine that includes thousands of listings from all throughout the world.

If you know anyother good job search websites, help our readers by sharing them in comments section below!

Have a wonderful day, and best of luck! (: