5 Very Useful Twitter Userscripts

Twitter is basically a way of posting short messages on the Internet comparable to Text Messages(Sms) but publicly visible and permanent. It is also possible to follow people on twitter so that their messages get automatically displayed in follower's Twitter. That’s the basic concept of twitter which proved to be very popular. Today i will tell you five very useful twitter usersripts, which can be loaded into the web browser in various ways. Probably the most popular and straightforward way is to use the Greasemonkey extension for the Firefox web browser. However it is possible to add userscripts to Opera, Safari or the Google Chrome Browser as well. So read this post with OPEN EYES!

1. Nested Twitter Replies

Twitter users can post replies to messages which are by default just displayed like any other message meaning that they are not grouped together. The Nested Twitter Replies userscript takes care of that by grouping the original message and the replies together.

2. Twitter Live Updater

The Twitter message pages do not get updated automatically which means that users need to refresh them manually to check for new messages. The Twitter Live Updater will refresh the Twitter pages automatically periodically.

3. Twitter2FB

Twitter2FB updates the Facebook status with the Twitter status.

Note: The userscript’s website lists hundreds of Twitter scripts that have been designed to change, add or modify functions and features on Twitter. They can really enhance the Twitter experience for users who regularly write and read messages.

4. Endless Tweets

As you know twitter displays a limited amount of messages per page. Users need to click every time they want to view additional messages. The Endless Tweets userscript will automatically load the next batch of messages when the user reaches the end of the page.

5. Twitter Trends Explained

Twitter trends are topics of public interest that are displayed in the right sidebar of the profile page. This covers a wide variety of topics from technology to politics and environment. There is no explanation on the topic by default which is changed by Twitter Trends Explained.

If you know any other useful twitter userscripts like these 5, please share them with us by writing a small review in post.
HappY SurfinG!!! (: